A Light In The Darkness

Hello! I’m Carly Robison. Join me as we learn how to find light in our own personal darkness.

Welcome! You are in the right place if you have been going through a difficult time, if you need a little more strength or hope, if you need someone who understands how hard life can be, or if you want to learn how your trials can make you BETTER, not BITTER.


Life is so hard…and sometimes we question “Why does God allow us to suffer?” Then, we get to work. We choose to listen to podcast episodes of people who are in similar situations and hear stories of strength and hope and resilience. We choose to read blog posts containing scriptures, inspirational quotes, and specific strategies we can implement into our lives, allowing us to find our own personal answers to that question. The people who can benefit from my help are people who want to strengthen their relationship with their Father in Heaven, find hope as they learn of challenges other people have to face, and learn things they can do in their daily lives to keep themselves in a more positive mindset. I love to share my own personal stories as I face many diverse and life altering challenges, and the strategies I use to maintain a positive attitude through them all. It is my hope that I can help those of us facing times of darkness and trial, find ways to let the light in.


First, you can find my blog posts here, or find a podcast episode that resonates with you here. I try to write about a variety of topics, and interview people with many different types of trials. It is my hope that at least one person will be able to relate to them and find strength through our words. Even if you aren’t going through the exact trials we are discussing, I know many people who have found hope through learning about the difficulties others face. Please know that you can get in contact with me via email or social media and let me know what is going on in your life. I am always available to be a listening ear to those who are struggling. Together, we can find A Light in the Darkness.

A Light in the Darkness: Allowing our trials to make us      

Check Out My Blog Posts!